Harvey Nash/KPMG:疫情期间企业每周在技术上的支出额外增加150亿美元

2020年Harvey Nash/KPMG(哈维·纳什/毕马威)首席信息官问卷调查显示,全球企业由于大流行改成远程工作,每周在技术上的额外支出相当于150亿美元。

全球企业在大流行期间改为远程工作,每周在技术上的额外费用相当于150亿美元(图:Getty)全球企业在大流行期间改为远程工作,每周在技术上的额外费用相当于150亿美元(图:Getty)Businesses around the world spent the equivalent of bn extra a week on technology as they transitioned to remote working as a result of the pandemic, according to the 2020 Harvey Nash/KPMG CIO Survey.

2020年Harvey Nash/KPMG(哈维·纳什/毕马威)首席信息官问卷调查显示,全球企业由于大流行改成远程工作,每周在技术上的额外支出增加了150亿美元。

[Harvey Nash and KPMG] claim it is the largest IT leadership survey in the world, with over 4,200 CIOs and technology leaders taking part across 108 countries. This year the survey was split into two – one prior to Covid-19 and one during the pandemic.

Harvey Nash/KPMG称这次的问卷调查是世界上最大型的IT领导者调查, 108个国家4,200多名CIO和领导者参加了这次调查。今年这次调查分为两部分,前一部分是在Covid-19前,后一部分是在大流行期间。

The survey found that over an eight-week period, between 5 June and 10 August, global technology leaders reported a median additional technology spend of 5% to deal with the Covid-19 crisis as a percentage of the total of their annual IT budget.


Using [data from Forrester], whereby global IT spending was forecast to reach .59 trillion in 2020, Harvey Nash and KPMG estimate that the additional surge in IT spending would have been around 5bn to deal with the impact of the pandemic. Harvey Nash and KPMG believe that this surge is one of the biggest in history for IT spend because yearly IT growth peaks at 5% and this sudden surge was only over a three month period.

Harvey Nash/KPMG用了Forrester的数据,Forrester曾预测2020年全球IT支出将达到3.59万亿美元。Harvey Nash/KPMG会计师事务所估计,IT支出的额外支出将激增1750亿美元,用于应对大流行。 Harvey Nash/KPMG认为,这样的升幅将与IT支出历史上最大的支出相若,历史上IT年度增长峰值为5%,前文的突然增长仅考虑了三个月的数据。

The IT leaders top investments were security and privacy (47%), customer experience and engagement (44%), infrastructure/cloud (35%), automation (29%) and business intelligence (25%).


Despite this sudden surge in near-term investment, budget growth expectations for IT leaders for the next 12 months have dropped. Before the pandemic, 51% of respondents expected budget increases and 55% were planning on growing headcount. Now, budget increases are expected for 43% and headcount increases for 45%. This still represents a net growth and remains significantly higher than in 2009 after the financial crisis.


Bev White, CEO of Harvey Nash Group explained that this is because tech investment can’t simply now drop-off.

Harvey Nash Group首席执行官Bev White解释说,这是因为技术投资现在不可能简单地降下来。

“Businesses need to grow their digital channels, they’re essential, not a nice-to-have. Of course, organizations need to look at how they can take out cost moving forward, but technology won’t be an area to slash. On the contrary it’s investments in technology such as AI and cloud that will enable them to increase automation and achieve cost efficiencies,” she said.









